Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Scrap Club

Last night was the first meeting of the scrapbook club. We have not come across a name that is catchy or poignant enough for us yet, so we are so far nameless. The three other ladies who were there last night were so inspiring and I really enjoyed their company. (I'm chuckling as I say this - I know at least one of them reads my blog... but I would have nothing but praise for the group anyway!) I'm very excited about this group. There is so much positive energy and creativity, I imagine as we sit and share that above our heads in a big thought balloon there are words and swirls and doodles and Nancy's fabulous flowers being created.

1 comment:

mindakms said...

Oh,that is going to require a photo next month so we can recreate that layout suggestion!

Only I can't doodle. Maybe Nancy will do my doodling?

I had fun too!