I saw this on Nancy's blog a few days ago, and I thought it was fun. I decided to consider myself tagged by proxy, because I wanted to play.
I am supposed to give seven random facts or pieces of information about myself and then tag seven folks. I will follow Nancy's excellent example and NOT tag anybody, but if you want to play, then by all means...
1. I am a recovering comic book geek. I probably could still participate in a fairly lively discussion about a variety of comic book characters, and some random information about the artists and writers is probably still stuck up in my head too. Batman... Superman... oh yeah. If it happened before 2003, and it wasn't in a movie, I could probably tell you about it. But I've never watched the movies. I was a geek with standards.
2. Every night before I go to bed, I braid my hair. If it was good enough for Ma Ingalls, it's good enough for me. The real reason is that if I don't, while I'm sleeping, mischevious pixies come and tie my hair in knots. And now you know the truth.
3. I didn't do well in High School because I wouldn't "play the game". I wonder what I would have done differently if I knew then what I know now. But I wouldn't want to go back to high school. Ish.
4. If I could meet anybody, not including a dead relative, or Jesus, I'd want to meet Audrey Hepburn. I want to know if she was as cool in person as she was in the movies. I know she is long deceased. I still have a girl crush on her.
5. I absolutely love working from home. It is absolutely splendid to not have to commute and also to not deal with all of the weirdness in an office environment. But I wish I could hang out with some of my co-workers more often.
6. I DO NOT WANT THE BIG WEDDING... but I did find some paper for making invitations that I'm a smidge obsessed with. If the wedding means I can buy the paper... hm, maybe ok.
7. I lived in the same house from birth to age 16. From age 16 to age 31, I lived 10 different places. When I dream, and I'm "at home", I'm either at my parent's house, or a strange conglomeration of houses and rooms I have seen before.
That's it! Now, it's up to you.